For Some, inner mastery means facing things with a level head, clear understanding, and reminding ourselves the events are only temporary situations. I tend to have high expectations of myself and strive to meet all set goals. Yet sometimes, I must admit that my demands are too much, and I can’t meet them. Instead of seeing this as a failure, I see it as part of my orientation toward optimization; my entire system (body, mind, and essence) must be balanced, not constantly redlining, to be of service.

And so, in the name of essentialism, I’m taking next month off from Musings and recording meditations to focus on my wedding ceremony. There are many things I have planned for Inner Mastery Mentoring, such as an eBook and online course, but the reality is I can’t get to them right now, no matter how much I want to. But I trust and know in my bones that taking space and reducing inner pressure will make those offerings more authentic and powerful when I can. As Sandra shared, sometimes “we have to pick and choose.” Good advice. |