Life. There are a thousand teachers who claim they have the secret to it. Counselors and therapists will provide us with the skills for it. Sages, philosophers, and Guru’s will guide us through it. Yet ultimately, we each must show up to our own life. Good, bad, or indifferent. It’s ours. No one else’s. Ours.
One way to keep stepping and make your way through, is to have Touchpoints. Writers, musicians, teachers, poets, humorists…anyone who can help you find a deep inner keel, when Life is giving non-stop change or challenge. Below are inspiring quotes along with photos taken from the same spot in the Berkeley hills. Each day, each hour, a shifting tableau; beautiful displays of ever changing nature.

    Musing Centered Expansion

    It’s OK to not know, to fumble, to make mistakes as we grapple with change, uncertainty and the unexpected.


    Centered Expansion


    All that’s needed is the willingness to learn. Sometimes the lesson comes quickly, sometimes it seems to evade and vex us. Yet understanding eventually comes to the one who’s dedicated to understand.



    Centered Expansion

    Go ahead and do what you can, give your energy to create fruitful outcomes, but in the end often there is only casting seeds upon fertile ground, and having to let Nature take her course.

    Centered Expansion


    Our challenges, changes, disruptions are the same as the little, green shoot pushing it’s way through the crack in the sidewalk. They’re part of the unstoppable force of Life. We can not stop Life, or how events occur. We can, however, work with our reactions to it.


    Centered Expansion


    The greatest gift of the unknown is learning how to Master fear.



    Centered Expansion


    The next greatest lesson, once we have learned to be with the fear that arises within, is to then Master the art of letting go.


    Centered Expansion


    The more we face change, uncertainty, fear, hurt, sorrow and loss, the more we can expand beyond it.  Until all experience is seen as Life. Known and unknown, all part of the mysterious, unfolding, opaque, meandering Wisdom that is Life.



    Centered Expansion