Inner-Mastery Mentoring

Essays For Evolution

My Most Recent Musings

Guilt Versus Truth

Guilt Versus Truth

After many months of demanding circumstances, the dust is clearing, and I've seen many things I did and didn't do that I wish I could have done differently. There's no changing that reality. But what had changed was the inner response to such a moment. When I came to...

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“it’s too much, I can’t…”

“it’s too much, I can’t…”

For Some, inner mastery means facing things with a level head, clear understanding, and reminding ourselves the events are only temporary situations. I tend to have high expectations of myself and strive to meet all set goals. Yet sometimes, I must admit that my...

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Just wait…

Just wait…

A dream come true has landed in my lap. A stunning north Berkeley home with an expansive, beautifully landscaped garden, has been gifted to me as a home base for a month. A month! It was exactly the vision I put out last year, then as part of my personal practice, I...

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Keeping The Heart Open

Keeping The Heart Open

A dream come true has landed in my lap. A stunning north Berkeley home with an expansive, beautifully landscaped garden, has been gifted to me as a home base for a month. A month! It was exactly the vision I put out last year, then as part of my personal practice, I...

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Getting through Tough Times

Getting through Tough Times

Man, did I struggle last week. I could not manage, and the usual ways I shift myself weren´t working. In fairness to myself, however, the week was the accumulation of: 11 office moves. Two real estate transactions. Four residency changes. Two sets of house and car...

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Consciously Uncoupling

Consciously Uncoupling

I am sitting in a small, Islands-bright aqua bedroom a 1/2 block from the beach. The old-school A/C unit in the window rattles loudly, so I open the window, pull on the fan, and bathing suit clad, begin this month’s Musing in the steamy tropical heat. I...

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The 5 L’s for living a long, fulfilling life

The 5 L’s for living a long, fulfilling life

As the sale and emptying of my Florida home move forward, I find perspective is needed. I see nothing but uncompleted tasks, unfinished projects, unmanaged details, and no clear plan for them all. So when I read this little article, it put my inner stresses into...

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Life: The Play of Resisting & Receiving

Life: The Play of Resisting & Receiving

There have been times when my life seemed stuck. I wanted out of something, or at minimum, wished it could be different, but circumstances wouldn't budge. I couldn't find clarity, patience, or even acceptance about how life was. Anger, frustration, self-pity, sorrow,...

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Life and Love

Life and Love

Love has come home to roost. I´ve had 61 years living with periods of struggle, confusion, and pain, interspersed with such sweet moments, hoping I could be free of the former and stay in the later, yet never succeeding. The pain had me frantically seeking-...

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What Matters

What Matters

The last time I left the Bay Area to return to Florida, I did not want to go. Of course, I wanted to see my son. And I was looking forward to going to Canada afterward to see my 90-year-old aunts, uncles, and other family members. But honestly, it was as if the cells...

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