Constriction has been showing up a lot lately. By constriction I mean fear, sadness, worry, uncertainty, anger, loss…
you get the picture. I’ve been hearing about it, I’ve been feeling it, and of course there has been a flood of it on news broadcasts and other streaming media. What do we do when life feels either acutely constricted, or seemingly non-stop constricting? Ironically, we soften. Softening is the counterbalance to constriction. Animals and children innately know this. We as adults, well, that can be quite the different story.
With choosing to soften by letting things go, by not fighting, by waiting to act, by disengaging, by not manipulating circumstances or others, and literally by softening the holding patterns in the body. However, there’s a deeper lesson to choosing to soften in the face of constriction; it allows Life to show us a different way. A way in which we aren’t carrying the burden internally; where our need to control is seen for the misery causing impulse it is. It also gives us space to truly consider what could possibly be the “worst case scenario” and to ask ourselves deeply, “could I survive that?”

Below is a passage from my upcoming book. It speaks to living through a “worst case scenario” and the gifts that came from it. I hope you enjoy it.
The Golden Thread….
Pooh: “How does one become
a butterfly?”
Piglet: “You must want to fly so much
that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
– Winnie the Pooh