There have been times when my life seemed stuck. I wanted out of something, or at minimum, wished it could be different, but circumstances wouldn’t budge. I couldn’t find clarity, patience, or even acceptance about how life was. Anger, frustration, self-pity, sorrow, and raw pain could wash in. Sometimes they would take me over; other times, I could at least breathe through it. But honestly, if I had my druthers, “it” would’ve ended and never returned in the future. Of course, that wasn’t the way it played out.
However, working through the above has allowed me to stop resisting Life. Now that’s not to say I don’t grit my teeth or roll my eyes at certain circumstances. I still do. What’s different, is now there’s trust and curiosity about what will occur. Life is no longer the enemy. And what is showing up now, well, it’s beyond what was previously imagined. It’s as if by no longer fighting Life, It can finally bring forward all the good and expansion waiting in the wings. Yet without the training to navigate challenges, I couldn’t have handled the non-stop change and letting go which has come with the positive opportunities.

..sometimes the expansion feels at a dizzying pace. Ironically, for good to come in, usually something beyond the old conditioned mindset, we must have mastered the intensity of challenge. For expansion requires comfort with loss, uncertainty, and the intensity of change.
Practice: Next time you’re deep in pain or constriction, see it as tilling the soil for some future growth. Be with it, knowing it is here to build mastery of heightened intensity states. Oh, and breathe…. it will be over soon enough.