Inner-Mastery Mentoring

Essays For Evolution

My Most Recent Musings

Quiet Doesn´T Mean ¨Not Talking¨

Quiet Doesn´T Mean ¨Not Talking¨

I've watched many things fall away in my life, some by choice, and others not. The most significant gifts have been everything I've let go of to become more present, aware, and quiet. Quiet doesn't mean "not talking," just like stillness isn't only about “not moving.”...

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End Of Year Message

End Of Year Message

¨…Returning to ourselves is a road we choose, with all the twists and turns and seeming cul-de-sacs that come with following— or indeed, forging— an uncertain path. In my experience, we are never as close as we think and never as far as we fear.¨ Gabor Mate, MDWow, I...

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Three Powerful Words to Practice

Three Powerful Words to Practice

Two weeks ago, I was on retreat with Rupert Spira, and it was a joyful experience. My fellow participants and I were unplugged, unhurried, unscheduled, and unfocused on the details of the outside world. This structure allowed participants to dive deeply into our...

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The Inner Pendulum

The Inner Pendulum

You can never, no matter how hard you try, be anyone else but yourself. Yet contemplate just for a moment how often content moves through your “mind-field,” which implies you should be different. Even slightly different. The field of our mind is tracking thoughts,...

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Changes and Choices

Changes and Choices

Many people have heard the phrase “trying to change the outside, to change the inside.” Or the 12-step slogan “there’s no geographic cure.” Usually, these dismiss the concept of making changes on the outside to guarantee life feeling differently internally,...

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The Courage To Love

The Courage To Love

We can realize it's an act of courage to love, care and connect with othersMy friend died this week. I'm "shook," sad and in shock. When I came to town, he and his friends would always come to my dinner parties as a trio.  I called them the Three Amigos. There's a...

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Doing Without Doing

Doing Without Doing

“Our lives are lived in intense and anxious struggle, in a swirl of speed and aggression, in competing, grasping, possessing and achieving, forever burdening ourselves with extraneous activities and preoccupations.” Sogyal Rinpoche, OfferingsI recently learned of an...

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Constriction has been showing up a lot lately. By constriction I mean fear, sadness, worry, uncertainty, anger, loss… you get the picture. I’ve been hearing about it, I’ve been feeling it, and of course there has been a flood of it on news broadcasts and other...

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The Broken Butterfly

The Broken Butterfly

I kept searching for a different inspiration for this Musing. But try as I might, the inspiration for this month’s contemplation persisted. You see, I transplanted two of my pineapples into pots around my backyard. In digging the plants up, I was so preoccupied with...

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Nothing but Change…

Nothing but Change…

Life. There are a thousand teachers who claim they have the secret to it. Counselors and therapists will provide us with the skills for it. Sages, philosophers, and Guru’s will guide us through it. Yet ultimately, we each must show up to our own life. Good, bad, or...

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